Visit of Thendic-France [ photos ]
Paris, France, 13th August 2002.
Welcome to the Present, with "MORPHOS on PEGASOS"...


1. Thendic-France

2. Joël with Thierry Velasco

3. Pegasos motherboard

4. Pegasos motherboard

5. Pegasos motherboard

6. Joël with Thierry Velasco

7. Joël & Frédéric with Thierry Velasco

8. Bertrand on Pegasos

9. The Spirit is here

10. MorphOS/Ambient on Pegasos

11. Candy Factory on MorphOS

12. Some Amigas to work

13. Fabian, Joël, Bertrand

14. Some Amigas to work

15. Pegasos tower

16. Bertrand, Frédéric, Fabian, Joël

17. Some humour

18. Your photographer

19. Céline, the infographist

20. The present

21. Betatester Pegasos

22. The Ali Baba's cave

23. Betatester Pegasos

24. Betatester Pegasos tower

25. Betatesting

26. Amiga4000T to work

Join the team!

By Sébastien 'Jedi' Jeudy, September 2002. All rights reserved.
With the agreement of Thendic-France.
Many thanks to all the Thendic-France, bPlan and MorphOS Teams.